Polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory pdf

Optimality, alignment and polish stress linguistics. Coronal palatalization within the framework of optimality theory has. Polish palatalization is complex because it is of two kinds that i call primary palatalization and secondary palatalization. In class we mainly approached phonology from a rulebased perspective, and were breifly told of ots constraintbased approach in passing. It is for this reason that the theory merits attention in spite of the fact that it. In polish, velars turn into postalveolars before front vocoids see 2a. In another approach, declarative phonology, rules have been. Distributed morphology dm and derivational optimality theory dot. Pawel rydzewski the book argues for the underlying status of the vowel y on the basis of palatalization processes in polish. Reviving the debate started by kiparsky 1973, the article argues that diacritic use of phonological features is superior to phonological use of diacritic features. Consequently, chain effects constitute evidence for derivational levels envisaged by derivational optimality theory. What are the advantages disadvantages of a rulebased method of phonological analysis over competing methods such as optimality theory. This article analyzes palatalization of velar consonants in polish, with a focus on the surface k g k jg j palatalization. Next, the problem is reanalyzed within the theory of candidate chains in order to determine whether the theory is capable of providing a non derivational account.

Variants of optimality theory with connectionistlike weighted constraints continue to be pursued in more recent work pater. His written works include cyclic and lexical phonology. Rubach jerzy 1997 extrasyllabic consonants in polish. An analysis of two independent fragments of polish phonology, chain shifts in velar palatalization and labial fission, shows multiple dukeofyork effects because segment inventory constraints posit conflicting requirements for the wellformedness of outputs at different depths of derivation. In the latter theory, rules have been completely abolished in favor of a hierarchy of constraints, and there is no derivational, serial computation of the correct phonetic form of a word prince and smolensky 1993. A derivational framework is a system of phonological analysis in which restrictions on the distribution of sound categories are expressed with operations that change one representation into another. Derivational meanders of high vowel palatalization. In recent years, rubach has advocated derivational optimality theory, a version of optimality theory in phonology which recognizes the need for derivational levels. English stress preservation and stratal optimality theory. Fifth, palatalization constraints interacting with segment inventory constraints yield different results in virtually the same contexts.

This article surveys the motivations for ot, its core principles, and the basics of analysis. I argue that the complexity of surface velar palatalization motivates derivational levels in optimality theory. Derivational ot rubach 1997, 2011, 2016 is a version of stratal ot kiparsky 1997. Polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory. Optimality theory, derivational optimality theory, opacity. It will be argued below that derived environment blocking effects can be captured in optimality theory in terms of a general ranking involving faithfulness and markedness constraints and that individual languages invoke a specific instantiation of this ranking. It espouses a serialist view of morphology that is rejected by most current phonologists. Dukeofyork derivations in polish mit press journals. Perspectives on polish palatalization, poznan studies in contemporary linguistics 42 2006, 239268. Oct 22, 2018 fourth, x behaves in an ambivalent way by undergoing one but not the other type of palatalization. The choice of the underlying form is a logical consequence of.

Given the ot assumption that constraints are universal, the analysis is presented against the background of data from several slavic languages to the extent permitted by the limitation of space. This article looks at two current models of feature geometry, the halle sagey model as modified by halle 2005 and the clementshume model, from the perspective of palatalization and related processes in polish, russian, and ukrainian. Dukeofyork derivations in polish jerzy rubach this article challenges the principle of strict parallelism in optimality theory by providing evidence that dukeofyork derivations, deemed to be impossible by mccarthy 2002, exist in phonology. Feature geometry from the perspective of polish, russian, and ukrainian jerzy rubach.

In particular jinsertion must take place before i is turned into e or. Primary palatalization involves a change in the place of articulation, with stops becoming affricates, so the manner of articulation is also affected. Optimality, alignment and polish stress william idsardi university of delaware lsa, boston, january 1994 0. Wordfinal nasal velarisation in spanish1 cambridge core. Booij free university, amsterdam this article discusses iotation, a process that has been analyzed in generative phonology as a palatalization rule. Investigations into polish morphology and phonology mitwpl. Review of markedness and economy in a derivational model of. Optimality theory, dukeofyork derivations, opacity. Polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory sciencedirect. A historical analysis of surface velar palatalization tells the story of how the pro.

English stress preservation and stratal optimality theory core. Stratal optimality theory stratal ot kiparsky, 1998a, 2000, 2003a. Dukeofyork derivations in polish linguistic inquiry. Review of markedness and economy in a derivational model of phonology by andrea calabrese. Given the ot assumption that constraints are universal, the. This article looks at two current models of feature geometry, the hallesagey model as modified by halle 2005 and the clementshume model, from the perspective of palatalization and related processes in polish, russian, and ukrainian. V means verb, n is noun, r stands for morphological root unspecified for cate gory, inf. The problem of opacity presents a challenge for generative phonology. Polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory request pdf. The modeling of liquid lowering as a phonological process has implications for phonological theory. Dukeofyork derivations in polish, linguistic inquiry 10. Palatalization and glide strengthening as competing repair strategies. Optimality theory also has roots in neural network research.

Reviving the debate started by kiparsky, the article argues that diacritic use of phonological features is superior to phonological use of diacritic features. Your book is focused on oldfashioned rewrite rules. In contrast, the clementshume model appears to be able to achieve. Optimality theory ot is a linguistic model originally proposed by the linguists alan prince and paul smolensky in 1993. Subsequently, it is examined whether optimality theory can account for the opacity in the polish data and concluded that parallel evaluation is unable to handle the relevant examples. The paper presents an analysis of polish palatalization. Errorbased evidence for interference from polish gliding. From cambridge english corpus when we consider the words with different inflectional and derivational suffixes different, then we have to deal with data sparseness. Hale and reiss 2008 take to task the presumed antimentalism found in much work done in optimality theory e. This change has always remained puzzling, as there is. Answers to these questions are provided by a detailed examination of the morphology and phonology of polish. Contrast preservation in polish palatalization glossa. Mitwpl is dedicated to promoting student linguistic research by publishing dissertations and papers and, with the proceeds, equitably funding travel, fieldwork and equipment purchases.

Only forms that could potentially undergo both rule a and rule b at some point in their derivation are relevant for determining how a and b interact. To keep the presentation within manageable bounds, i look at the operation of pale and ignore pali. Dukeofyork derivations in polish an analysis of two independent fragments of polish phonology, chain shifts in velar palatalization and labial fission, shows multiple dukeofyork effects because segment inventory constraints posit conflicting requirements for the wellformedness of outputs at different depths of derivation. This thesis carries out empirical investigations into english stress preservation, and uses their results to argue for a particular version of optimality theory. Since 2003, rubach has been doing fieldwork on the phonological system of kurpian, a dialect of polish spoken in northern poland. If neither the focus nor the change of rule a is contained in the context of rule b, and vice versa, then a and b do not. He has written five books, notably cyclic and lexical phonology. It arose in part as an alternative to the connectionist theory of harmonic grammar, developed in 1990 by geraldine legendre, yoshiro miyata and paul smolensky. The hallesagey model predicts that palatalization should be analyzed by assuming derivational levels and is thus at odds with the tenet of strict parallelism in optimality theory. Dukeofyork derivations in polish linguistic inquiry mit. Founded in 1979, mit working papers in linguistics is an entirely studentmanaged organization, run by the graduate students in the mit doctoral program in linguistics. Optimality theory in phonology alan prince and paul smolensky 1. We argue that optimality theory predicts the treatment of this process in terms of allomorphy, which in fact is. Polish stress, procedurally rubach and booij 1985 their mot, phrase pw, cg main stress.

In the pattern i refer to as fronting, alveolar stops alternate with dental stopsdental stops occur following front. Polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory given the ot assumption that constraints are universal, the analysis is presented against the background of data from several slavic languages to the extent permitted by the limitation of space. Feature geometry from the perspective of polish, russian, and. The analysis of the palatalization pattern within optimality theory ot from the perspective of ot, a complementary distribution always involves an interplay between contextfree segment markedness and contextsensitive markedness of a sequence or representational array. If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise cambridge core to connect with your account. Mar 01, 2003 polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory rubach, jerzy 20030301 00. Further, the condition of derived environments is expressed as a constraint that is ranked differently at different levels of evaluation. Thus a nontransformational theory based on imperfect correspondence mapping emerges.

Surface velar palatalization in polish springerlink. Oct 01, 2003 dukeofyork derivations in polish dukeofyork derivations in polish rubach, jerzy 20031001 00. This article is an analysis of polish palatalization from the point of view of optimality theory ot. This article analyzes palatalization of velar consonants in polish, with a focus on the surface kg k j g j palatalization. An analysis of two independent fragments of polish. But, details aside, the defining characteristic of a serial derivation, in the sense i will employ here, is the preeminence of the chronological metaphor. I argue that the analysis calls for derivational levels, so derivational optimality theory rather than standard optimality theory is the correct framework. Sympathy and phonological opacity phonology cambridge core.

Examples of how to use palatalization in a sentence from the cambridge dictionary labs. Section 1 analyzes velar palatalization in polish and uncovers a. This article challenges the principle of strict parallelism in optimality theory by providing evidence that dukeofyork derivations, deemed to be impossible by mccarthy 2002, exist in phonology. Feature geometry from the perspective of polish, russian. Mccarthy, 2003 and claim that phonology should be concerned with identifying the properties of mental grammars, rather than with designing a linguists grammar. Perception, production and markedness in sound change. Today, lexical phonology remains the source of insight especially in two lines of phonological investigation. It is shown that pali heads a conspiracy that involves several different processes, among them palatalization, ci c. Polish iotation jerzy rubach university of iowa university of warsaw geert e. Levels, constituting miniphonologies with their own inputs, constraint ranking and inventories, are motivated by six arguments, each discussed in a separate section. This article proposes a new analysis of yers in polish and addresses the issue of how yers should be represented. A reply to burzio, linguistic inquiry 35 2004, 656670. It is concluded that optimality theory must permit.

Introduction to optimality theory in phonology and syntax. This article discusses iotation, a process that has been analyzed in generative phonology as a palatalization rule. What are the advantages disadvantages of a rulebased. Review of markedness and economy in a derivational model. Chain effects in kurpian journal of linguistics cambridge. Optimality theory in phonology california institute of. It also addresses some frequently asked questions about this theory and offers suggestions.

Project muse feature geometry from the perspective of. Mid vowel fronting in ukrainian, phonology 22 2005, 6. Palatalization involves change in the place or manner of articulation of consonants, or the fronting or raising of vowels. Evidence from kirundi alexei kochetov university of toronto abstract alternations involving placechanging palatalization e. Embick 2010, cophonology theory orgun 1996, inkelas 1998 and stratal optimality theory kiparsky 2000, 2015.

Palatalization and glide strengthening as competing repair. Request pdf polish palatalization in derivational optimality theory this article is an analysis of polish palatalization from the point of view of optimality. Introduction in gosiute, coronal obstruents are found in distributional patterns which depend upon the presence or absence of a preceding front vowel i or e. The rules presented in this book nevertheless remain largely arbitrary, even from the perspective of nonlinear derivational rule theory. It is for this reason that the theory merits attention in spite of the fact that it is no longer practised in the form as described in this article. Given the ot assumption that constraints are universal, the analysis is presented against the. The prevailing nonsequential approach to phonology, the optimality theory, ot, is based not on rewrite rules but on constraints. On the other hand, the phonemic status of consonants in polish is much more important for the present analysis, particularly with respect to palatalization effects that may often appear alongside vowelzero alternations. Semantic scholar extracted view of optimality theory in phonology. The interaction of yer deletion and nasal assimilation in.

I would like to thank the three anonymous journal of linguistics referees for discussion and criticism, which led to considerable improvement of both the content and the presentation of my analysis. Dukeofyork derivations in polish, linguistic inquiry. I will call any theory with this property serialism. Mccarthy university of massachusetts amherst abstract. In contrast to the nonderivational approach proposed by bresnan, hans broekhuis and joost dekkers bring the minimalist program and optimality theory.

In particular, it calls for the recognition of derivational levels, as envisaged by derivational optimality theory. Derivational meanders of high vowel palatalization in polish. Rosenthall samuel 1994 vowelglide alternation in a theory of constraint satisfaction. Derived environment blocking effects in optimality theory. The analyses are couched in theoretical frameworks, including optimality theory, derivational optimality theory and government phonology. The structure of polish 1984, foris and the lexical phonology of slovak 1993, oxford university press. Jerzy rubach linguistics division of world languages. We argue that optimality theory predicts the treatment of this process in terms of allomorphy, which in fact is desirable for a synchronic analysis. Optimality theory is a general model of how grammars are structured. Palatalization and centralization in samothraki greek. The retroflex itself in the next derivational step causes the original front vowel to retract, i.